This is the personal photography blog of Bailey Munson.
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Friday, May 23, 2014


I had the pleasure of covering Neon Tree's show at The National down here in Richmond, Virginia earlier this week. It was such a fun show to watch and the band really transformed the stage to make it look like we were at a bigger show than The National (smaller scale venue). I've been absolutely in love with their new album, Pop Psychology and was super pumped to see the songs live. They did not disappoint! If your town hasn't been stopped through yet on this tour I highly recommend checking it out.

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Hope you enjoyed!

Friday, May 9, 2014


Man, what a wild few months I have had. Between college life with sorority events and finals and getting my life together for the Summer months I feel like I have not had any time to stop and take a breath! Thankfully now I can and I am able to share with y'all my shots that I took of some of my sorority sisters who graduated today from my school. I'm super proud of them and I hope you enjoy!

I had such a good time and it's been so long since I have done any sort of senior shoot I forgot how much fun they are! They represent milestones in our lives that are during such an exciting and adventurous time that comes across in the photos and makes them even more special. Good luck to my ladies Miranda, Sara, Jenny and Jackie!